sex equality in the UK


men get in trouble for looking at women, compliments, asking women on dates

women get away with murder

only women get pregnant but leftists are willfully stupid.

women can end a career by accusing someone of harassment

unfair trials for men accused by women of crimes

women can take off jackets.

men pay on dates

men work longer hours, die younger, worse educational results. higher unemployment, prison, suicide, drug addiction, alcoholism.

women can get rich in their 20s through marriage


pro life and pro choice

pro life – mum, dad and baby get to live

pro choice – 1 gets killed and only 1 gets a choice.

About Calers

Born Belfast 1971. I read history at Edinburgh. I did a Master's at UCL. I have semi-libertarian right wing opinions. I am married with a daughter and a son. I am allergic to cats. I am the falling hope of the not so stern and somewhat bending Tories. I am a legal beagle rather than and eagle. Big up the Commonwealth of Nations.

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