a dream of fo and tree hill


I was due to meet some people from fo. I doubt they shall contact me but has been a few weeks

Somehow I knew where to stand somehwere outside. several white middle aged men and women in casual clothes stood in a circle. a man of average build with brown hair and glasses spoke softly and boringly do. do not remember a word he said. they only half paid attention. it was outside. It was an autumnal day. that was it? I recognised a car registration on a car parked nearby. not sure whom I linked it to

later I walked into a portland stone grey building. like an old public library. security guards on the door not v attentive. parquet floor many sheeles but not high. many smarlty dressed people busuly going to and fro and reading and writing at desks. so this was the place. I wandered about aimlessly

then I saw bald arrowsmith the younger approach. momentaily caught his eye. dived behind a bookshelf. had he seen me? Did not expected to see him here. but he was not in the wrong nor was I. why was I avoidung him

later I exited via a door I had not come in through. nowt had happened dull.

wonder what the appraoch shall be

later I was with Charlotte Carolina . she was smiling ear to ear. so glad to see me after so many years. we were staying in different hotels not sure where. had we met by acciden and design. she was not wearing anything glam

later I remembered I was with tree hill. relationship woth her. I could not be with C Carolina. How to shake her off? Block her? Tell her? what if I bumped nto here when I was with tree hill>? Tree is the main prize. I must not jeopardise her for the same of C C whom I do not care about

I have been considering a missive to dun elm. perhaps this brought it all up

About Calers

Born Belfast 1971. I read history at Edinburgh. I did a Master's at UCL. I have semi-libertarian right wing opinions. I am married with a daughter and a son. I am allergic to cats. I am the falling hope of the not so stern and somewhat bending Tories. I am a legal beagle rather than and eagle. Big up the Commonwealth of Nations.

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