equity and trusts p. 251 . chapter 17. activity 17.8


exam Q

  1. Richard managed pAUL’s pub in January he fired the regular friday DJ in order to hire his brother Quentin . Even though Quentin is inexerienced , Richard paid him twice what he had paid the old DJ.

in Feb Richard changed the beer supplier accepting a 2 000 signing bons from the new supplies which he invested in shares worth 3 000. In MAarch, Richard persuaded Paul to sell the pub to him

Richard;s account for the pub business were in disarray so it was difficult to valye the business and on that basis sold te pub to him for 150 K

In April, Richard sold the pub to the brewer for 150 K.

advise Paul


2. a fiduciary duty is difficult to define but a breach of fiduciary duty is easy to spot. which is why the content of fiduciary duties is bets understood by looking at various cases in which they are breached




fred was recruited by Massive Music Ltd to scout for new talent. he was told by his friend , susan, an employee of Rage records plc RRP that a new band in Scotland, Pot of Gold, was worth investigating . paying for his flight on his MML expense account , fred listeed to and interviewed the ban with a view to signing them with MML. the band memebrs adamantly refused to sign with MML ebcause of its english origins,= but indicated they would sign with RRP instead a global americna company . Fred arrange to sign them with RRP collecting a 50 K fee from RRP whih he used to pay off his mortgage. POG has since made a profit of 2.5 million for RRP. Fred did however sign his brother Liam to a lucrative contract with MML which was unaware that Liam was Fred’s brother. MML lost 500 K recording and promoting Liam whose contract was terminated

Advise MML

About Calers

Born Belfast 1971. I read history at Edinburgh. I did a Master's at UCL. I have semi-libertarian right wing opinions. I am married with a daughter and a son. I am allergic to cats. I am the falling hope of the not so stern and somewhat bending Tories. I am a legal beagle rather than and eagle. Big up the Commonwealth of Nations.

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