Daily Archives: March 9, 2019

brexuit final countdown=====================================


20 days to go

final countdown europe

EU to keep office in soctialdn. break up UK
barnier has said backstop will not be permanent 0 UK can leave

EU worried about not getting golden handshake

border. a red herring? border checks anyway

hard border because of troubles and not the other way around.

lack of panic is palpable.

parliament will vote again.

Brexit might be delayed.


Kim trump meeting =========================================



showcase of capitalism.

some groundwork done by uderling

leaders to sign off on prepared deal. trump is fly by the seat of the pants

cavalier attitude.

anyone could have seen this a mile off

warned by intelligence that N Korea will never do this.

some softening if lang from mike Pompeo – N korea need not totally de nuclearise

walked away. praised by top brass.

could have gone step by step – set deadlines. be incremental

coiuld have ended Korean war

no consulations with china, s korea or japan.

kim thought he was reasonable , may up the ante now.

signs of preparing for nuclear launch.

trump may have made it worse.

propaganda coup for N Korea/ /

he is a dotant

trump takes side of the tyrant against his own people. American student who died in custody.