A revery of Friday


I spike to Friday twice yesternight. He was too busy to chat long on the blower he said.

I dreamt of going to those eastern shires and walking down thestreet past his house . In relaoty I have never been to that burgh. I the bungalogw. he happened to be looking through the window for me. I was ivnited in and sat there. she was there. the small man was there – bearded, geeky and unobtrusive. it did not feel guache to be there.

About Calers

Born Belfast 1971. I read history at Edinburgh. I did a Master's at UCL. I have semi-libertarian right wing opinions. I am married with a daughter and a son. I am allergic to cats. I am the falling hope of the not so stern and somewhat bending Tories. I am a legal beagle rather than and eagle. Big up the Commonwealth of Nations.

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