

What does a Chinese mum call a 99% test score?



How do you double a blonde’s IQ?

Cum in her mouth


Why do so many Japanese live in Harrow?

they get out of Heathrow and say ”taxi Harrow?”



What is the best thing about fucking doggy style?

dOGS are tighter


What do you call a cowardly chinman?

chicken chow mien.



What do you call a 16 year old Essex girl without a baby?

A lesbian.


What is the difference between a Japanese comedian and the Hiroshima bomb?

A Japanese comedian is not funny.


What is the worst food and drink to order in Korea?

A hot dog and a slush puppy


The Nazis are about to shoot dead a Jew and they say ”do you have any last requests? Like see your family? A glass of schnapps?”

The Jew says yes ”When you shoot me please take the bullet out and give it to my brother’s scrap metal business.”


What is a gay chat up line?

May I push your stool in?



Why do people say ”The King is dead . Long live the King!?”

Becuase of Elvis.









About Calers

Born Belfast 1971. I read history at Edinburgh. I did a Master's at UCL. I have semi-libertarian right wing opinions. I am married with a daughter and a son. I am allergic to cats. I am the falling hope of the not so stern and somewhat bending Tories. I am a legal beagle rather than and eagle. Big up the Commonwealth of Nations.

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