Daily Archives: April 5, 2011

A dream of a car crash


I was walking around a hilly town at night. It was a chilly time of year. I was accompanied by a uniformed officer of the Royal Navy. He was a man of few words. My age and height. I think I was younger in this dream than I really am. He was spare and clean-cut with short dark hair. We were collecting money for remembrance day. I do not remember seeing a single person or collecting a farthing but this did not strike me as strange at the time.

Then this man and I went back to a house. My eldest sister was there as was my cousin Eduardo.They greeted me merrily.

The officer and I walked into another room. Then suddenly we were in a car and again this did not seem bizarre. The car slammed into the wall of the room. The officer was to my right. I was unhurt but he was dead. There was no blood he just flopped to the side slightly.

I wonder if this man represents my alter ego? Do I fear dying now? Do I fear being hit by traffic? Maybe I fear I shall expose myself to a communicable disease. Maybe he is what I would like to be – athletic and well turned out.


I spoke to Piers Morgan later. I saw him on CNN just afore I went akip which must have inspired that part.

There were more parts to my dream that I do not recall.

A dream of Charlie Chuckles.


Twas the night before last. I was outside on some grassy plain. There was a rude brown wooden hutment there. There was some guard in there. There was barrier across the dirt track that he could raise and lower to let traffic pass.

Charlie Chuckles was there. He was upbeat. He went into another larger wooden one roomed building. He was cheerily about to commit suicide by hanging himself. He was tying up a rope to a beam in the roof and standing on a wooden table to do so. I had asked him what he was doing and he told me with a broad smile.

In truth this poor man did take his own life in 2007.